In Memory

“If there’s something you’ve been meaning to do for a while, start planning to get it done. If there’s something you don’t want to do – find an honorable way to stop doing it. If someone needs something and you like them and you can more than afford it (and they’re not a needy do-nothing)… give it to them. And for gods’ sake – don’t forget to tell people how much you value them before they keel over and die. Funerals are not a particularly useful time to tell someone how much they meant to you. I notice most people’s fears about death have more to do with regrets than anything else.” ~Dave Grega of PCP



“It’s hard to know what to say when a friend passes, let alone where to start. I remember the first time I met Dave it was way back when he had a pagan group at Clarion Campus in Pennsylvania. Even then, Dave was someone who was beyond outspoken.I could talk about how kind a person Dave was, but what comes to mind is all the debating that our friendship entailed. Dave Grega was not afraid to tell you what he thought. He didn’t feel that holding observations back when they had the possibility of stirring positive change. It didn’t matter if he was talking to a “Big Name Pagan”, a friend, or a random guest on the podcast, he would speak his mind. He wasn’t afraid to question or push for change on taboo and complex issues and he encouraged others to do the same.

Life won’t be the same without post-producing his laugh to be a reasonable volume, or hearing his snarky disapproval when I was being stubborn in making a hard decision. But if I can pull anything positive out of this tragedy, is that Dave was able to pass at a time in his life where he had found happiness. He had a loving relationship with a brand new baby girl to bring light into his life. He lived his life to the fullest, and with little regret. He pushed hard to meet standards that he put himself up to without asking for acceptance or permission. He was one of the bravest people I know, I feel honored to have had him in my life as a dear friend. Not only for the times where we were able to laugh and joke, but for the all the times that he cared enough to tell me when he disagreed and pushed me past my comfort levels to become more of the person I am today…as I am sure he has done for countless others.

Dave Grega, you will be deeply missed my friend. I don’t think I can find the words to properly express the loss that we feel, but know that we’ll remember you always.” ~Amber of PCP


He could be judgemental, don’t get me wrong, but he let people disagree with him. We were able to have a conglomeration of so many people of so many different paths, it was a huge accomplishment. This is the closest I have to family, and it’s as if we lost our patriarch. Dave helped to foster a sense of ACTUAL community.~Sam of PCP



“I never really met Dave, but with the podcast I almost feel like we were best buddies. I’ve had him on my show, he even inspired me to have my own show. His brutal honesty, his ability to make people realize their shortcomings as well as his own is inspiring. He had the greatest laught of out the people I’ve met. He won’t soon be forgotten, that’s for sure.”~Robby J Bradbury



“One of the things about the show, is that it was so refreshing because it was so different compared to some of the other shows. It was the attitude. Dave and PCP wasn’t afraid to point out some of the flaws in the kind of thinking where we should coddle everyone to keep them happy.”~Nicholas Farrell



“I didn’t personally know David, but he helped me a lot with the podcast. When I would worry that I wasn’t being kind enough, or nice enough. But listening to him let me know that it was okay to get angry at things sometimes. I didn’t have to be all happiness and rainbows.”~Janetta



“I think the thing that jumps out the most is my first impression of the podcast. I was trying not to die of hysterical laughter in the middle of class because I came in on the 4Chan episode. His indomitable sense of humor in everything really stuck with me. It’s not going to be the same with out him. He made everyone feel comfortable, it is something that will be deeply missed.”~Mystere de la Nuit



“I didn’t know Dave Grega well at all, aside from reputation, and hearing about him from mutual friends. When I found out I was going to meet him at supper with some of said friends, I will admit to being a little apprehensive. I am a very devoted Christian, and I was aware that he was a likewise devoted Pagan, and I worried that this laid fertile ground for conflict. I needn’t have though, for as soon as he found out I was a Christian, Dave began to express some very intelligent and well-thought-out ideas he had about struggles that both Pagan and Christian communities have, and potential ways to solve them. I enjoyed good conversation over that meal, and walked away feeling quite glad that I had met Dave, touched by his honesty in speaking about the common struggles that span across many different worldviews and faiths.”~Levi D.


“This was the first podcast I ever got involved with. I didn’t realize until I was on others, that you guys and Dave are rule-breakers as far as podcasting goes. Dave encouraged people to not take things too seriously, and to know that nothing is so sacred that it can’t be poked fun at.”~Miles Batty



“In addition to co-founding PCP, an irreverent podcast that garnered a large and appreciative audience for its no-holds-barred style, Dave also helped in the running and development of the Proud Pagan Podcasters, was an important early voice in the formation of the Pagan Newswire Collective, and co-founded Lonestar Pagan, the Texas bureau of the PNC. Dave was a key figure in Pagan new media, constantly tinkering, trying out new ideas and technologies in order to more effectively do the work at hand. He had a personality and energy that was almost impossible to ignore, and we are all poorer for his absence.”~Jason Pitzl-Waters