About Branden

Branden aka Feather Head or Bear

Path: Polytheistic Theurgist

Occupation: Seafood Manager at cooperate grocery store

Spare Time: Walking, Art, Movies, Reading, Anime, Games, Traveling

Even though I grew up Catholic I always liked the idea of magic, dragons, faeries, other gods and goddesses. It wasn’t until early high school that I learned that there were actually people who practiced religions other than Judeo Christian, Buddhist, Muslim and Tribal. By the end of high school I had learned too much of the ugly past of Christianity,  too much science, and too much about the world around me to think that Christianity was the only path.

Throughout collage I dabbled in the occult and learned more on other paths and how the sciences could (on extreme incidences) explain magic. It wasn’t until I met Amber and her crazy friends that things really started falling into place. For a while I just called myself Pagan and left it at that but I find the term Polytheistic Theurgist fits the closest. (Amber found the term)

Since we moved to the Outer Banks I spend most of my time working and sleeping. With such sporadic schedules and long hours it has been hard to keep up on the podcast. Also my ADD does not help matters. I only have about an hour or so attention span before it’s time to get up and meander around.

But, I enjoy being a part of the group and throwing out my ideas every now and again, when I have a chance to get on.