About Amber

Amber aka. The Amber Lady

Path: A complicated mix of I don’t even know anymore. I work with Nebet Het and Coyote but I’m wouldn’t say I’m Kemetic or truly Native. I just kinda throw stuff to the wall and see what works.

Day Job: I work full time as a network administrator/graphic artist/museum attendant in  Outer Banks of North Carolina. I also run the page Anxiety Zebra to talk about my life with havin Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome.

For Fun: I run Red Tail Arts where I do micro animal paintings on feathers, jewelry and a lot of other types of spiritually based crafts. I make pine needle baskets, learn enough coding to get Raspberry Pi’s to do cool things in the museum I’m at, cross stitch, hunt for spiders and snakes, and play with dead things.

History: I’ve been some form of Pagan for over 25 years now, even though I was raised in a Catholic family outside of Pittsburgh.  I moved a few hundred miles north of the city to a little town that somehow managed to stay kind of backwater despite being a college town after graduating from IADT in Visual Communication.  It was there I met what would end up becoming the PCP crew.  Back then it was a motley group of college students that got together at the University to talk about Pagan “stuff”.  So that’s what got me into podcasting, a chance meeting with the late Dave Grega.

Me personally?  I rent an adorable little house built in the 1890’s with my partner of 14+ years, Branden.  I have a wonderful job working in a Native Museum in the OBX where I get to meet some truly amazing people from all walks of life and touch artifacts that are thousands of years old, and the best part is being able to be a part of the Native community. 

I work with tarot cards, even though most of the crew now refers to them as “terror” readings if I’m using my Archeon deck as they tend to be a bit on the blunt side.  I’ve been known to make medicine pouches and other concoctions when needed.  Most often though, I spend my creative energies in the art I produce.  I work with a lot of bone semi-precious stones. I tend to work the the wights, or spirits, attached to the bones the majority of the time I do a lot of work with them.

I try to find truth in every path.  That doesn’t mean I think the way each person practices has truth, as much as I try to understand how all the different paths have a shard of the same truth.  I will have to admit that I can be a little on the harsh side when I feel practices are being abused, such as in pop culture magics.