Good goddess aren’t isn’t always easy to find, but this eclectic artist out of Oklahoma creates a wide mix of different Ladies with options for original pieces as well as more affordable prints or stickers! Take a peek into her world though the artist statement from Etsy:
While the current trend seems to be rejection of labels and types from the git-go, I prefer to take a more Jungian attitude and embrace the archetypes as fundamental starting points as definers for individualism. Furthermore I think ARCHETYPES are IMPERATIVE for visual communications. As an artist I attempt to reconcile the types in the same way a psychotherapist would with a patient suffering from a personality disorder. With my primary focus on NATURE and my secondary focus on WOMEN, I see that we are ALL quite capable of wearing many different ‘hats’. It is not only about accepting who we are, it is about rejoicing in our variety. Can a woman have multiple P.H.d’s, be a sultry sex-pot AND be a mother? Yes. Certainly. And why not? Can a society be smart, creative, productive, peaceful, spiritual AND hedonistic to some degree?
In essence, my work is about expressing the highest potential of the macrocosm of society in the microcosm of a woman. It is about seeking and embracing one-ness with the universe, ourselves, eachother and the Men around us as WHOLE WOMEN, as Queens of Creation without the fetters of shame, guilt and fear. We are all daughters, sisters, mothers, wild women, amazons and crones. We are facets of a shimmering mystery that is only beginning to be realized anew. We are Goddess.
Please check out more of her work with the Divine Feminine through the sites following below: