Magical Art Monday: Creative Beast Studio

Creative Beast Sculpture
Build-up in the picture is done by Hang-jae Lee

Holy shit is that a dinosaur!  Hell yes it is!  But this artist doesn’t stop there, from figures to dragons this guy has absolutely amazing talent.  Do you happen to recall the line McFarlane Toys put out a few years ago of the Dragons?  Part of that was done by this guy here!

After working about eighteen months as a full-time freelance designer for McFarlane toys (on projects such as Spawn, Dragons, and The Simpsons), David moved to New Jersey in 2005 to be closer to the McFarlane Toys headquarters in Bloomingdale, NJ. After three months of working from home, David was asked to help out in the sculpting department and was eventually hired on as a full time sculptor. During his three and half years sculpting at McFarlane Toys, David showed a particular interest in the animal inspired characters and became a major contributor to many of the company’s in-house fantasy lines. Most notable is his extensive work on the McFarlane’s Dragons line

But now Creative Beast has broken off and has started creating their own amazing work!  You can now have a scale Velociraptor poseable kit!  It may take  a little bit of cleaning up, but who doesn’t want their own personal Velociraptor?!

You can check out his work at the following links

Creative Beast on Facebook

Creative Beast Website