Magical Art Monday: Quadrivium Supplies

Brewing oils isn’t as simple as some think it is. Oil Brewing is a delicate art-form that takes much study and careful hands. But don’t just trust our word for it, important information is listed right on their website!

Each Quadrivium Oil™ is hand made, sealed, labeled, and packaged securely in a sealed bag with an insert that provides information about that particular oil, known or potential allergens/irritants in the oil, and other useful information. The oils are made with entirely natural ingredients, without chemicals, synthetics, or solvents.

One of our co-hosts has gotten the chance to try out one of their oils, and is in the process of having one custom made for her. Her review? “OMG FANTASTIC!” It may be a simple review, but from our analytic crew? A OMG FANTASTIC review is hard to come by!

Check out more oils, or contact her for more information through the following links:

Quadrivium Supplies Website

Quadrivium Supplies Blog

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