Magical Art Monday: Two Found Treasures

This week we have a bit different of a feature.  With Two Found Treasures we have two fantastic artistic styles in one shop!  Located in the OBX of North Carolina, this couple live an artist life!  There is a heavy steampunk feel to the work above.  There is a wide range of creatures and designs done in this fashion; from the spider seen here to magpies and roses to patched up hearts.  Each work is full of personality and done with attitude.

If you’re looking for something a little more on the fun side, but done with just as much attitude, check out the jewelry designs.  They are cut out of vinyl records!  Whether you’re looking for something dark and spooky like a bat, or maybe something different like a profile image, these are definitely unique!

Check out their work at:

Two Found Treasures on Facebook

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