Magical Art Monday: Signs of Spirit

Signs of Spirit produce some truly amazing carvings! When you think of a wooden pentacle or Celtic knot, often the image we get in our heads is a a flat, simple cut out. Not so with this group!  There is a lot of personality in every piece!  This is a small excerpt from their website regarding the creation of their pieces:

Long ago I realized that carving is a form of meditation. I am burning these images into my consciousness 16 hours a day.

As an act of self defense, I made a decision to limit my carving to symbols evoking light, love, peace, exhilaration, freedom, liberty, ecstasy, and the creator of the universe. I spend my life focusing on positive symbols and meeting people that are attracted to them. It just gets better all the time.

Before our site was remade, we featured another one of their pieces that has since sold. Because of the great beauty of the piece, we are also including an image so you get an idea of the scope of what Signs of Spirit can do!


You can find more of their work through the following links:

Signs of Spirit Website

Signs of Spirit Etsy Shop

Signs of Spirit ArtFire

Signs of Spirit on Facebook


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