Holy Crap…We’re Back!

Okay, so maybe we’re not back in full force, but we’re here and recording again!  We’ve had a case of lost equipment, recording snafu’s, finding a groove, and most of all…still learning all the in’s and outs of all that was set up before.  Every time we think we have a good idea, some monkey decides to throw wrenches at us.  And big monster pipe-wrenches too…the bastard.

Like a Retarded Phoenix

So anyway!  What are we working on RIGHT NOW?

Getting past episodes off of archive.org and onto the site as well as RSS feed

Fleshing out new show ideas

Figuring out how to do the live shows again

Working on a fantastic project that will be made of amazing


So while we’ve been a bit slow, we’ve finally got some traction and hope that you’ll enjoy the new face of PCP!